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Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday

I just wanted to write a quick update on my life/training, and whatever may have fallen between those. This week was a good week...Jenny and I got to spend some quality time with friends back home in Duluth. Kinda cold for a spring break trip. However, we can't complain, the company was great..... While Jenny and I were up there we decided to go skiing(by we, I mean SHE). Now for those of you who know me'll know that I DON'T SKI....I've gone twice while in high school.... but I spent so much time on my ass I never wanted to go again.... Well, the two of us went to spirit mtn, and Jim Fisher came along too. After the coaxing by the two of them for me to go down the hill I finally gave in. To my surprise, it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Don't get me wrong....I crashed a few times...however, nothing too bad...actually had a great I'm happy we went.

After getting back from "vacation" it was back to work both in training, and actually working. Gotta say its tough getting back at it, but oh so rewarding after my run is completed. Sooooooo I've been running, running, running, and a little running. This week is a building each day is more and more miles...but it doesn't hurt so must be the hard work is paying off! I'll be running 5 more miles tomorrow, and 7 on say an Easter prayer for me!

I hope everyone has a blessed Easter! Many of you are in my prayers every day...and will continue to be!

Jesus Christ is risen today! Hallelujah!
(on Sunday of course;)


Katie said...

LOL!! that picture cracked me up...nice.

Glad you didn't break anything on the mountain like I would've :)

Jenny | The Balow Bunch said...

Does that mean you want to go skiing again???